An elegant and rather gracile poleaxe head made by GDFB - Get Dressed For Battle. The head is designed to fit a shaved 1 1/4" square or octagonal shaft - traditionally ash or oak. They will also fit on 1"x2" hardwood shafts that can be found in many hardware stores. The edge of the blade is blunt for safety's sake, but be warned - the four-sided top and side spikes are quite sharp. One piece construction with axe blade, hammer head, top spike, side spikes, and integral langets - just mount it to shaft and you're ready to go. This will make for a very light and fast poleaxe, recommended for decorative / parade / tgheatrical use - still cruel, but not quite so ponderous.
overall length: 25"
axe head: 6" x 3"
hammer head: 2 5/8" x 2 3/8"
hammer face: 2 5/8" x 1 1/8"
top spike: 6 3/8"
side spikes: 7/8"
weight: 1 lb 15.0 oz
(Note that the poleaxe heads are relatively small - these aren't full Wallace A926 sized.)
Price: $60