(click on above images for larger version)
A 16 gauge 15th century mild steel satin polished German gothic breastplate with three faulds, a bevor tie-down buckle and ready-to-wear strapings. Available in three sizes, but note that mild steel armor can be gently bent for minor alterations. If a size seems close to right for you, it can be adjusted right. The pictures above are a size XL that has been stretched to fit an XXL person. (yes, to a certain extent *you are* the brestplate stretcher!
chest width 20 1/2"
waist width 20 3/4"
length 19 1/2"
chest width 22 1/2"
waist width 22 3/4"
length 22 1/2"
chest width 24 3/4"
waist width 25 1/2"
length: 23 3/4"
weight: 11 lb 7 oz