
4 cubit / 78" jaegerstock

(click on above images for larger version)

Fom Johann Georg Pascha's 1673 fencing manual Deutliche Beschreibung Unterschiedener Fahnen-Lectionen : In Acht Spiel eingetheilet/ Nebst dem Piquen-Spiel/ Pertuisan und halben Piquen/ oder Jägerstock ("Clearly Described and Differentiated Flag-Lessons, Divided into Eight Plays / In Addition the Play of the Pike, the Partisan, and the Half-Pike or Jägerstock") (THANK YOU, WIKTENAUER!) - a four- cubit long double-headed spear for your stand-off-thirty-swordsmen-at-once pleasure.

From my Samples, Singulars, and Somethings Completely Different collection - assembled in the TherionArms Workshop - only one is available (but I might make more).

overall length: 78"
heads: 12" (each)
weight: 3 lbs 8.0 oz

Price: $140

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