length: 28"
Nice solid workingman's dha. 5/16" thick at spine of blade with distal
tapering to 1/16" at the point. (By the way, this is one indicator you can use to
tell tourist junk from authentic weaponry. Tourist junk invariably has a flat
blade, working tools and weapons will be thicker at the base, tapering to
thinner at the point. This is not a sure-fire identifier, but it's a great
of thumb.) Sharp blade with dark patina, no maker's marks. Wooden grip with
rattan banding, brass and copper plating. Wooden scabbard with lacqured
black cloth wrapping for water-proofness. Someone or some generations
carried and used this weapon regularly, but the blade edge is in perfect
shape. Early to mid 1800's.
blade: 20 3/4"
blade width: 1" base
grip: 7 1/4"