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"The Marquis of Fantailler got into many fights in his youth, most of them as a result of being known as the Marquis of Fantailler, and wrote a set of rules for which he termed 'the noble art of fisticuffs' which mostly consisted of a list of places where people weren't allowed to hit him. Many people were impressed with his work and later stood with noble chest outthrust and fists balled in a spirit of manly aggression against people who hadn't read the Marquis's book but did know how to knock people senseless with a chair." -- Terry Pratchett
Remember, these people see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed potential millionaires.
A real democracy is always too untidy for authoritarians.
You can never herd cats from the back of the herd, but if you want any number of cats to go somewhere, go there first yourself, and rattle the can opener. They'll all come running to exactly where you want them. Lead from the front: the cats will follow.
We don't care what your religion is, but if you're going to use your profits from our money to actively suppress basic human rights, we're not going to give you our money. Capiche, motherfarkers?
A cultural anthropologist is a scientist trained to observe that every
society is a little bit mad, including his own. He holds his job by never
mentioning this fact explicitly.
The whole dream of democracy is to raise the proletarian to the level of stupidity attained by the bourgeois.
Remember when police officers were there to help you, and you could rely on them? Remember when they didn't have automatic shotguns, teargas, tazers, semi-aquatic assault vehicles, explosive flashbang grenades?
Long distance relationships are like playing russian roulette with five loaded chambers.
It's only drama if you get involved. Otherwise, it's theater.
If an infinite number of rednecks riding in an infinite number of
pickup trucks fire an infinite number of shotgun rounds at an infinite
number of highway signs, they will eventually produce all the worlds'
great literary works in Braille.
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